On Booking.com we offer guests access to the world's largest database of the best accommodation, from apartments to holiday homes, family guesthouses and five-star resorts, to tree houses or even an igloo. The Booking.com website and mobile app are available in more than 40 languages, offering 1,587,523 accommodation options in 125,022 destinations in 230 countries and territories. 1,550,000 nights are booked every day on our platform. Whether our guests are traveling for business or pleasure, Booking.com allows them to book the perfect accommodation easily and quickly, without booking fees and with a guaranteed price difference.
On Booking.com we offer guests access to the world's largest database of the best accommodation, from apartments to holiday homes, family guesthouses and five-star resorts, to tree houses or even an igloo. The Booking.com website and mobile app are available in more than 40 languages, offering 1,587,523 accommodation options in 125,022 destinations in 230 countries and territories. 1,550,000 nights are booked every day on our platform. Whether our guests are traveling for business or pleasure, Booking.com allows them to book the perfect accommodation easily and quickly, without booking fees and with a guaranteed price difference.