We offer you goods that you cannot normally buy, that we use ourselves and that we like. Eco bags, handbags, children's accessories but also home accessories, ecological healthy bottles, eco drug store. They are gadgets of renowned European brands, which are characterized by imaginative design, functionality and top quality.

E-shop Store
Discount 3–15 % in the e-shop
  • Discount 3 % for the entire Bagabaga range on sale and on sale
  • discounts do not add up
  • Discount 10 % for the non-discounted assortment of Bagabaga
  • Discount 15 % for the non-discounted assortment of Bagabaga
We offer you goods that you cannot normally buy, that we use ourselves and that we like. Eco bags, handbags, children's accessories but also home accessories, ecological healthy bottles, eco drug store. They are gadgets of renowned European brands, which are characterized by imaginative design, functionality and top quality.

You get the following benefits with your Sphere card

Store E-shop

  • Discount 3 % for the entire Bagabaga range on sale and on sale
  • discounts do not add up
  • Discount 10 % for the non-discounted assortment of Bagabaga
  • Discount 15 % for the non-discounted assortment of Bagabaga