Discount 20 %
In Knihy Dobrovský you will find thousands of book titles, a large selection of board games, gifts for everyone and much more. We have the love of reading in our blood. From one table with books, we have grown to 36 stores across the country, but we are still a family business. And we are still surrounded by people who like the smell of new books. Stop by us for author readings, discussions or autograph signings. During the year, we organize dozens of events for everyone who has a weakness for good stories. Instead of sellers, you will find booksellers and curators with us. They scan hundreds of pages every month - which is why they can always give you good advice. We're not just talking in the wind. We are driven by over 1 million satisfied customers who have made themselves or someone close happy. Become one of them.
Discount 10 % + points
The Panta Rhei bookstore network is a leader on the Slovak book market and has been offering experiences and education through books for 30 years. It offers a wide range of books and accessories, CDs and DVDs, audiobooks, games. Panta Rhei also belongs to Creative, where you will find creative needs, e.g. paints, art objects, decorative packaging material. Bookstores throughout Slovakia have joined the Panta Rhei family. Today, there are already 60 of them available. There are regular discussions, book launches and authors' autograph signings in selected bookstores. Some bookstores also include Café Dias. The Panta Rhei bookstore offers classics and novelties, fiction, educational, children's books, in addition to the sale of books and newspapers, magazines, stationery and office supplies, decorations, board games. You can find reviews of the latest books on their new online portal www.zacitajsa.sk.
Discount 3 %
News and Media Holding is the largest Slovak media company. The publishing portfolio includes the widest range of print and online titles. Lifestyle, social, professional, economic and hobby titles are published under the News and Media Holding brand.
Discount 25 %
Expositions, exhibitions and events in the headquarters building of the Liptovský Museum in Ružomberok offer visitors a unique space for getting to know nature and the past, for informal education, for a cultural experience and for spending free time. Permanent exhibitions present visitors with a comprehensive picture of Liptov's nature, as well as the history of the entire region. Several exhibitions are held every year in the large exhibition hall. It also includes several national and international exhibitions of artistic photography, traditionally associated with the creative authorial background of Ružomberok and the institution of the Liptovsky Museum. Lectures for the public are also regularly held in the residential building, where museum curators present interesting collection items.
Discount 20 %
In connection with the construction of the Liptovská Mara waterworks, the museum of the village of Liptovská Pribylina was created, which preserves immovable monuments from the flooded area. Currently, the museum grounds are home to buildings from several corners of Liptov. The composition is reminiscent of a historical town, which was common for several villages in Liptov. Dominants of the museum are undoubtedly the Gothic-Renaissance manor house from Parížovice and the early Gothic church of the Virgin Mary from the village of Liptovská Mara. Part of the museum grounds is also the exposition of the Považ Forest Railway. Currently, the line connects the depot to the village and visitors can take advantage of the opportunity to ride a historic train between these stations.
Discount 20 %
A unique Baroque-Classicist manor house with a unique art-historical exhibition and the largest hunting exhibition of its kind in Slovakia. The manor house was completed in 1750 and its history is closely connected with the Koháry and Coburg families. The legend speaks of the symbolism of the calendar, originally the manor had 4 entrances (seasons), 7 arcades (days of the week), 12 chimneys (months of the year), 52 rooms (weeks of the year) and 365 windows (days of the year). In the vicinity of the manor there is a beautiful park with ponds and places to relax.
Discount 10 %
Offer of group and individual Italian language lessons for kids, students and adults online in the morning or afternoon or evening. Face-to-face group courses in Bernolákov, Ivanka pri Dunaji and Hrvatsky Grob - Čierna Voda.
Discount 15 %
Havránok hill with the highest point of 692 m, the easternmost spur of the Chočské vrchy mountain range, today protects a strategic place above the dam wall of the largest water reservoir in Slovakia - Liptovska Mary. In the past, the castle was not large in area and provided shelter to the inhabitants of the agglomeration of six settlements in the immediate vicinity. The favorable location allowing to control the roads through the Liptovská Kotlina, the proximity of the water source and the availability of refuge have long been attractive to people. Traces of settlement found in the wider area and directly on Havránok Hill. Today, the archaeological museum in nature offers the opportunity to touch the past in time.
Discount 20 %
Translations, interpreting, public and corporate teaching in more than 80 language combinations. In addition to translations, we also provide graphic editing of your documents (DTP). We have more than 25 years of experience, so we can easily choose the best translator for your texts.
Discount 10 %
The ethnographic museum in Liptovský Hrádek is located in the historical building of the former salt office. Since 2004, it has provided a unique space for several exhibitions. The blueprint exhibition represents the development of the blueprint craft in Liptov, where blueprint forms and printed canvas products are presented. The gallery of beaded lace presents the uniqueness of the textile technique – beading, i.e. lace knitting. On the second floor, there is a specialized exhibition of pastoral culture. This exhibition has a supra-regional character and consists of two units. In the first, there are mountain buildings - a hut with a lot of equipment and a mosquito net. Next, there are original utility items with a shepherd theme. In the second part of the exhibition, there is a gallery of folk art.
Discount 20 %
The way of life and living in Bocianská dolina was influenced by the mining business. Many unique local attractions in the field of construction and housing have been created here. House no. 92 was declared at NKP after the death of the last owner. The exposition in Banícký dom makes accessible the way of life and living with the original interior equipment from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The five-room miner's house was built in 1776 as a barn-type house. The cattle stable was part of the house and could only be entered through the pitvor. From the anteroom you enter the main living room of the room, the additional living room - the "room chamber" to the storage area and to the area called "sparhet" or kitchen. This space was used mainly in the winter season.
Discount 20 %
More than 240 species of animals from 5 continents with a focus on Eurasian fauna, the zoo also has an exotarium, mini-vivarium Košice Zoo is the largest zoo in Slovakia, spread over an area of 288 ha in the natural environment of Montenegro in the town of Kavečany. Come and see more than 240 species of animals from 5 continents, focusing on Eurasian fauna. An exotarium and a minivivarium have also been built in the ZOO. Of the total area, almost 75 hectares are accessible to visitors. The second DinoPark in Slovakia is built on an area of almost 5 ha. The construction of the Zoo began in 1979, but the zoo was opened to the public only in 1986 - then on an area of 7 hectares with 23 species of animals, mainly the original Carpathian fauna. Among other things, there is the largest aviary in Slovakia and the largest area of the brown bear in the Central European Zoo. As the only Zoo in Slovakia, it has built a botanical nature trail, to which the Bird Trail, the Bee Trail and the Geological Trail have gradually been added, comparing the Carpathian Mountains and the Altai Mountains in Central Asia.
Discount 10 %
The royal guard castle, which was built before 1341 by the Zvolen county governor Donč. From the end of the 14th century, it was used by the Liptov governors, it was owned by several important families, especially the Hunyadys, the Illésházys and the Thökölys. During its existence, it was the seat of the castle estate of the same name, which managed the towns and villages of lower and a large part of central Liptov. The architecture of the castle is a valuable testimony of the late Gothic and Renaissance periods, the palace complex ranks among the tallest buildings of its kind in Slovakia. Currently, the Huniady tower, which houses an exposition of the history of the castle, and two courtyards of the lower castle are accessible to visitors.
Discount 20 %
In 1796, a blast furnace was built between Liptovský Hrádek and Kráľová Lehota, for which the name Maša or Frischfajer was used. The ore was imported from the Liptov mines and weighed in a scale. Maša supplied iron hammers in Ľubochn, Sv. Michal and in nearby Podkošová. Of the entire complex of buildings on Maša, only the Vážnica and the Klopačka - bell tower, which announced the beginning and end of the work shift, have survived to this day. Both buildings were declared NKP. In the weighing room there is an exhibition of the history of mining and metallurgy in Liptov. In the premises of the knocker there is a gallery of selected reproductions of old mining woodcuts from Juraj Agrilou's work "De re metallica libri XII", which illustrate the development of mining since the 16th century.
Discount 20 %
Vyberte sa do galérie a obdivujte umenie slovenských aj zahraničných umelcov. Výstavy, zbierky, knižné tituly. Súčasné umenie sa mieša so starým, mladé umenie sa vystavuje na obdiv. Úlohou galérie je rozvíjať sa ako celonárodná umenovedná inštitúcia a zároveň zbierať, chrániť a interpretovať umelecké diela v domácom i v medzinárodnom priestore. Historicky sa tvorila a profilovala ako tradičné múzeum krásnych umení domácej, ale aj širšej, európskej proveniencie, pričom od začiatkov jej vývoja dôležitú úlohu predstavovalo zberateľstvo diel 20. storočia ako aj mapovanie živej umeleckej kultúry.
Discount 10 %
An online bookstore with a wide range of professional and popular science literature. The portfolio includes all genres from children's literature, fiction for adult readers, professional literature to CDs and DVDs. In April 2011, the new media company Albatros Media Slovakia s. r. o., which is owned by the Czech company Albatros Media a. with. In Slovakia, it offers a wide range of media products under the brands of 15 independent publishing houses Albatros, B4U Publishing, BizBooks, CooBoo, CPress, Computer Press, Edika, Egmont, Fragment, Kniha Zlín, Management Press, Motto, Plus, XYZ and within the co-project Edice České televize - books, e-books and audiobooks.
Discount 25 %
Fiction, children's literature, encyclopedia, textbooks, dictionaries, poetry, prose, popular science and foreign language literature.
Discount 3–5 %
The Black Eagle Museum Liptovský Mikuláš offers visitors a unique space for learning about nature - specially dedicated to the history of hunting and fishing. The exhibition is located in the historic building of the Black Eagle, which was declared an NKP in 1961. There are two permanent exhibitions. The first is a unique exposition of a regional nature called Hunting and Fishing in Liptov, and the second is the Exposition of the folk healer Elena Badová, an important herbalist not only in Slovakia, but also abroad, where visitors can see her original inventory, tinctures and herbalist's equipment.
Discount 20 %
In the last third of the 13th century, in a location called Kút, they built an early Gothic church, dedicated to All Saints. An early Gothic building in the colonial style, surrounded by a late Renaissance wall from the 17th century, today gives the fields in the middle of which it stands a romantic touch and provokes the imagination. The church is one of the oldest religious buildings in Liptov. Whoever cannot resist and enters the interior of the church through the classicist gate, will be amazed by the space, illuminated by cleverly designed windows, dominated by colorful frescoes on the walls and ceiling. The interior of the church is complemented by wooden emporiums and a stone plaque commemorating the Rakovský family from the 17th century.
Discount 20 %
Children's and youth programs, musical evenings, comedies, musicals. Our theater is here for all lovers of good entertainment and art. You will be able to have a good laugh at successful and proven comedies and musicals. Treat yourself to a cultural experience guaranteed to get your diaphragm moving!
Discount 20 %
In Knihy Dobrovský you will find thousands of book titles, a large selection of board games, gifts for everyone and much more. We have the love of reading in our blood. From one table with books, we have grown to 36 stores across the country, but we are still a family business. And we are still surrounded by people who like the smell of new books. Stop by us for author readings, discussions or autograph signings. During the year, we organize dozens of events for everyone who has a weakness for good stories. Instead of sellers, you will find booksellers and curators with us. They scan hundreds of pages every month - which is why they can always give you good advice. We're not just talking in the wind. We are driven by over 1 million satisfied customers who have made themselves or someone close happy. Become one of them.
10 %
The Panta Rhei bookstore network is a leader on the Slovak book market and has been offering experiences and education through books for 30 years. It offers a wide range of books and accessories, CDs and DVDs, audiobooks, games. Panta Rhei also belongs to Creative, where you will find creative needs, e.g. paints, art objects, decorative packaging material. Bookstores throughout Slovakia have joined the Panta Rhei family. Today, there are already 60 of them available. There are regular discussions, book launches and authors' autograph signings in selected bookstores. Some bookstores also include Café Dias. The Panta Rhei bookstore offers classics and novelties, fiction, educational, children's books, in addition to the sale of books and newspapers, magazines, stationery and office supplies, decorations, board games. You can find reviews of the latest books on their new online portal www.zacitajsa.sk.
3 %
News and Media Holding is the largest Slovak media company. The publishing portfolio includes the widest range of print and online titles. Lifestyle, social, professional, economic and hobby titles are published under the News and Media Holding brand.
25 %
Expositions, exhibitions and events in the headquarters building of the Liptovský Museum in Ružomberok offer visitors a unique space for getting to know nature and the past, for informal education, for a cultural experience and for spending free time. Permanent exhibitions present visitors with a comprehensive picture of Liptov's nature, as well as the history of the entire region. Several exhibitions are held every year in the large exhibition hall. It also includes several national and international exhibitions of artistic photography, traditionally associated with the creative authorial background of Ružomberok and the institution of the Liptovsky Museum. Lectures for the public are also regularly held in the residential building, where museum curators present interesting collection items.
20 %
In connection with the construction of the Liptovská Mara waterworks, the museum of the village of Liptovská Pribylina was created, which preserves immovable monuments from the flooded area. Currently, the museum grounds are home to buildings from several corners of Liptov. The composition is reminiscent of a historical town, which was common for several villages in Liptov. Dominants of the museum are undoubtedly the Gothic-Renaissance manor house from Parížovice and the early Gothic church of the Virgin Mary from the village of Liptovská Mara. Part of the museum grounds is also the exposition of the Považ Forest Railway. Currently, the line connects the depot to the village and visitors can take advantage of the opportunity to ride a historic train between these stations.
20 %
A unique Baroque-Classicist manor house with a unique art-historical exhibition and the largest hunting exhibition of its kind in Slovakia. The manor house was completed in 1750 and its history is closely connected with the Koháry and Coburg families. The legend speaks of the symbolism of the calendar, originally the manor had 4 entrances (seasons), 7 arcades (days of the week), 12 chimneys (months of the year), 52 rooms (weeks of the year) and 365 windows (days of the year). In the vicinity of the manor there is a beautiful park with ponds and places to relax.
10 %
Offer of group and individual Italian language lessons for kids, students and adults online in the morning or afternoon or evening. Face-to-face group courses in Bernolákov, Ivanka pri Dunaji and Hrvatsky Grob - Čierna Voda.
15 %
Havránok hill with the highest point of 692 m, the easternmost spur of the Chočské vrchy mountain range, today protects a strategic place above the dam wall of the largest water reservoir in Slovakia - Liptovska Mary. In the past, the castle was not large in area and provided shelter to the inhabitants of the agglomeration of six settlements in the immediate vicinity. The favorable location allowing to control the roads through the Liptovská Kotlina, the proximity of the water source and the availability of refuge have long been attractive to people. Traces of settlement found in the wider area and directly on Havránok Hill. Today, the archaeological museum in nature offers the opportunity to touch the past in time.
20 %
Translations, interpreting, public and corporate teaching in more than 80 language combinations. In addition to translations, we also provide graphic editing of your documents (DTP). We have more than 25 years of experience, so we can easily choose the best translator for your texts.
10 %
The ethnographic museum in Liptovský Hrádek is located in the historical building of the former salt office. Since 2004, it has provided a unique space for several exhibitions. The blueprint exhibition represents the development of the blueprint craft in Liptov, where blueprint forms and printed canvas products are presented. The gallery of beaded lace presents the uniqueness of the textile technique – beading, i.e. lace knitting. On the second floor, there is a specialized exhibition of pastoral culture. This exhibition has a supra-regional character and consists of two units. In the first, there are mountain buildings - a hut with a lot of equipment and a mosquito net. Next, there are original utility items with a shepherd theme. In the second part of the exhibition, there is a gallery of folk art.
20 %
The way of life and living in Bocianská dolina was influenced by the mining business. Many unique local attractions in the field of construction and housing have been created here. House no. 92 was declared at NKP after the death of the last owner. The exposition in Banícký dom makes accessible the way of life and living with the original interior equipment from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The five-room miner's house was built in 1776 as a barn-type house. The cattle stable was part of the house and could only be entered through the pitvor. From the anteroom you enter the main living room of the room, the additional living room - the "room chamber" to the storage area and to the area called "sparhet" or kitchen. This space was used mainly in the winter season.
20 %
More than 240 species of animals from 5 continents with a focus on Eurasian fauna, the zoo also has an exotarium, mini-vivarium Košice Zoo is the largest zoo in Slovakia, spread over an area of 288 ha in the natural environment of Montenegro in the town of Kavečany. Come and see more than 240 species of animals from 5 continents, focusing on Eurasian fauna. An exotarium and a minivivarium have also been built in the ZOO. Of the total area, almost 75 hectares are accessible to visitors. The second DinoPark in Slovakia is built on an area of almost 5 ha. The construction of the Zoo began in 1979, but the zoo was opened to the public only in 1986 - then on an area of 7 hectares with 23 species of animals, mainly the original Carpathian fauna. Among other things, there is the largest aviary in Slovakia and the largest area of the brown bear in the Central European Zoo. As the only Zoo in Slovakia, it has built a botanical nature trail, to which the Bird Trail, the Bee Trail and the Geological Trail have gradually been added, comparing the Carpathian Mountains and the Altai Mountains in Central Asia.
10 %
The royal guard castle, which was built before 1341 by the Zvolen county governor Donč. From the end of the 14th century, it was used by the Liptov governors, it was owned by several important families, especially the Hunyadys, the Illésházys and the Thökölys. During its existence, it was the seat of the castle estate of the same name, which managed the towns and villages of lower and a large part of central Liptov. The architecture of the castle is a valuable testimony of the late Gothic and Renaissance periods, the palace complex ranks among the tallest buildings of its kind in Slovakia. Currently, the Huniady tower, which houses an exposition of the history of the castle, and two courtyards of the lower castle are accessible to visitors.
20 %
In 1796, a blast furnace was built between Liptovský Hrádek and Kráľová Lehota, for which the name Maša or Frischfajer was used. The ore was imported from the Liptov mines and weighed in a scale. Maša supplied iron hammers in Ľubochn, Sv. Michal and in nearby Podkošová. Of the entire complex of buildings on Maša, only the Vážnica and the Klopačka - bell tower, which announced the beginning and end of the work shift, have survived to this day. Both buildings were declared NKP. In the weighing room there is an exhibition of the history of mining and metallurgy in Liptov. In the premises of the knocker there is a gallery of selected reproductions of old mining woodcuts from Juraj Agrilou's work "De re metallica libri XII", which illustrate the development of mining since the 16th century.
20 %
Vyberte sa do galérie a obdivujte umenie slovenských aj zahraničných umelcov. Výstavy, zbierky, knižné tituly. Súčasné umenie sa mieša so starým, mladé umenie sa vystavuje na obdiv. Úlohou galérie je rozvíjať sa ako celonárodná umenovedná inštitúcia a zároveň zbierať, chrániť a interpretovať umelecké diela v domácom i v medzinárodnom priestore. Historicky sa tvorila a profilovala ako tradičné múzeum krásnych umení domácej, ale aj širšej, európskej proveniencie, pričom od začiatkov jej vývoja dôležitú úlohu predstavovalo zberateľstvo diel 20. storočia ako aj mapovanie živej umeleckej kultúry.
10 %
An online bookstore with a wide range of professional and popular science literature. The portfolio includes all genres from children's literature, fiction for adult readers, professional literature to CDs and DVDs. In April 2011, the new media company Albatros Media Slovakia s. r. o., which is owned by the Czech company Albatros Media a. with. In Slovakia, it offers a wide range of media products under the brands of 15 independent publishing houses Albatros, B4U Publishing, BizBooks, CooBoo, CPress, Computer Press, Edika, Egmont, Fragment, Kniha Zlín, Management Press, Motto, Plus, XYZ and within the co-project Edice České televize - books, e-books and audiobooks.
25 %
Fiction, children's literature, encyclopedia, textbooks, dictionaries, poetry, prose, popular science and foreign language literature.
3–5 %
The Black Eagle Museum Liptovský Mikuláš offers visitors a unique space for learning about nature - specially dedicated to the history of hunting and fishing. The exhibition is located in the historic building of the Black Eagle, which was declared an NKP in 1961. There are two permanent exhibitions. The first is a unique exposition of a regional nature called Hunting and Fishing in Liptov, and the second is the Exposition of the folk healer Elena Badová, an important herbalist not only in Slovakia, but also abroad, where visitors can see her original inventory, tinctures and herbalist's equipment.
20 %
In the last third of the 13th century, in a location called Kút, they built an early Gothic church, dedicated to All Saints. An early Gothic building in the colonial style, surrounded by a late Renaissance wall from the 17th century, today gives the fields in the middle of which it stands a romantic touch and provokes the imagination. The church is one of the oldest religious buildings in Liptov. Whoever cannot resist and enters the interior of the church through the classicist gate, will be amazed by the space, illuminated by cleverly designed windows, dominated by colorful frescoes on the walls and ceiling. The interior of the church is complemented by wooden emporiums and a stone plaque commemorating the Rakovský family from the 17th century.
20 %
Children's and youth programs, musical evenings, comedies, musicals. Our theater is here for all lovers of good entertainment and art. You will be able to have a good laugh at successful and proven comedies and musicals. Treat yourself to a cultural experience guaranteed to get your diaphragm moving!
20 %